How To Finance Becoming a Professional Gambler With Wisdom
|It’s a fact, when times are hard and money is tight the gambling industry makes a bundle of cash. You have only to watch TV to be struck by the abundance of advertising for many and varied forms of gambling.
However, that doesn’t stop enthusiastic punters from wanting to become professional gamblers.I wonder, if a betting man or woman, whether you’d fancy your chances?
Odds-on to Fail
Most punters don’t appreciate they need to bet against the crowd to make their betting pay. How can most people be winners? They can’t. So that leads us to ask: ”How do you beat the bookies at their own game?”
Know Your Niche
As a gambler, you hold a distinct advantage over bookmakers because you don’t need to bet in every single race. Your secret weapon is selectivity. It’s imperative you know your niche. It’s not difficult to understand why it’s the answer to so many questions. When it comes to gambling, the ubiquitous ‘Jack of all trades’ comes last. Wisdom tells us less is more. There simply isn’t enough time to know everything. You’re mistaken if you think you need to spread yourself too thin. Like a horse in a race, if you fall behind it will be a struggle to catch up. Gambling sets its own pace – it’s a conveyor belt with no off button.
Passion – Do What You Enjoy
Make sure you enjoy your niche – it’s a hobby that could well be your next well-paid job. Honing your skills to become a successful professional gambler takes years. Psychologists say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. Most pro gambler would sneer at such findings for there shortcomings. Make your journey one of pleasure rather than pain. If you enjoy your subject matter, finding the answer to the question is so much easier.
From Tiny Gambles Mighty Bets Will Grow
If you don’t have the discipline to bet small, learn your craft, play the bookies with their own money you are unlikely to win. In fact, you may even become a gambling addict. Remember, you bet for one reason – to make money. Forget about the buzz, who cares about making the game more exciting, gambling has nothing to do with fun. It’s business. Your ultimate goal is to make consistent money.
Gamblers Are Idiosyncratic
From reading publications about successful horse racing gamblers, I am struck by one thing: they all have very different approaches. They are individuals who make their own rules and walk their own path.
For the majority of punters, the opportunity to become a professional gambler is an elusive dream. It takes a certain type of mentality, far the the stereotype you have in mind, and something of a maverick. Learning how to beat the bookies takes years of experience, knowledge and mindset based on exceptional discipline. Reinforcing successful methods will lead to winning ways. While instability will lead you to the poor house.